Maxwell MX-25304 Digital multimeter

Product number:

LED work lighting
Transistor test
Max/Min/Rel measurement mode
Diode test
Continuity test
Data storage
Audio signal
Auto power off
True RMS
Accessories: thermometer probe with banana plug, instrument cable, battery (4 x AAA)

Maxwell MX-25304 Digital multimeter

Product number:

LED work lighting
Transistor test
Max/Min/Rel measurement mode
Diode test
Continuity test
Data storage
Audio signal
Auto power off
True RMS
Accessories: thermometer probe with banana plug, instrument cable, battery (4 x AAA)

14 285 Ft + VAT (18 142 Ft)

Product informations

LED work lighting
Transistor test
Max/Min/Rel measurement mode
Diode test
Continuity test
Data storage
Audio signal
Auto power off
True RMS
Accessories: thermometer probe with banana plug, instrument cable, battery (4 x AAA)


  • Display: 4 digites
  • DC V: 0,1mV – 1000V
  • AC V: 0,1 mV - 750 V
  • DC A: 0,1 µA - 20 A
  • AC A: 0,1 µA - 20 A
  • Resistance: 0,1 Ω - 200 MΩ
  • Capacity: 10 pF - 2 mF
  • Frequency: 1 Hz - 20 MHz
  • Duty cycle: 0.1% - 99%
  • Temperature: -20°C – +1000°C